
Captivate the Unexplored Beauty of Jordan

The Jordan Tourism Board is launching a brand film to captivate Indian travelers and showcase the country’s unexplored beauty and allure.

Indian influencers Aakriti Rana and Shaurya Sanadhya have released a video showcasing the beauty of Jordan, featuring the enchanting melody of ‘Zahir’ by Akanksha Sethi. The film showcases five iconic locations and offers diverse landscapes and experiences for travelers.

“We are excited to unveil this captivating video that celebrates Jordan’s beauty and culture from an Indian perspective. This video combines elements of Bollywood, BOHO styling, and indigenous Jordanian culture to create a mesmerizing connection with Indian travellers, inviting them to explore the treasures of our Kingdom. The film brings out the best of food, culture, history, adventure and luxury experiences, and tells you what make Jordan an all-year-round destination.” said the Jordan Tourism Board.

The video showcases Jordan’s unique experiences, from historical marvels to adventurous activities like Fakhreldin Restaurant in Amman, Martian Tents in Wadi Rum, hot air balloon rides in Aqaba, and inviting Indian travelers to embark on unforgettable adventures.