
Leela Hotels in collaboration with Mouth and Foot Artists

Leela Palaces, Hotels and Resorts collaborated with Mouth and Foot Painting Artists Association (MFPA) to design its 2024 desk calendar, featuring disabled artists who create art using their mouth or foot.

The calendar, featuring twelve talented artists from MFPA, showcases the twelve iconic Leela hotels’ panoramas, transporting readers into the mesmerizing world of grand architecture and verdant landscapes. Leela, a luxury brand, is redefining luxury with a focus on responsibility and sustainability, partnering with community development to contribute to its timeless ethos.

Speaking on this remarkable association, Mr. Anuraag Bhatnagar, Chief Executive Officer, The Leela Palaces, Hotels and Resorts, said, “The understanding of luxury has evolved over time from being only material focused to being more enriching. As a true Indian luxury brand, we at The Leela recognize this shift and the profound impact it has on the communities around us. We are grateful to Mouth and Foot Painting Artists for their creative contribution in designing our annual calendar. It is not just impressive but rather inspiring to witness the art created by these differently-abled artists. We look forward to our association with MFPA and supporting their artists through various endeavours.”

Mouth and Foot artists from various countries have created stunning paintings of iconic hotels and resorts. Each artist has their own unique style and approach to capturing the beauty and elegance of these iconic locations.