Diplomat Interviews

Switzerland of Central Asia

Land of Stunning Landscapes

Kyrgyzstan, a Central Asian country known for its majestic mountains, diverse cultures, rich history, stunning landscapes and unique traditions. TravelJingles in a rendezvous with H.E. Mr. Askar Zholchubekovich Beshimov, Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to India on sharing more insights about the country.

Kyrgyzstan is a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts. What are the summer attractions the country offers to its first-time visitors?

Kyrgyz Republic offers stunning nature and rich culture, making it an ideal holiday destination for relaxation in the summer, with lakes, mountains, and welcoming locals.

Lake Issyk-Kul is one of the largest and deepest lakes in the world, located in the Central Tien Shan mountains at an altitude of 1607 meters above sea level. Issyk-Kul lake is also known as the ‘hot lake’ as it does not freeze even in winters, famous for its petroglyphs – ancient drawings on stones. Ala-Archa National Park, 40 km from Bishkek. It offers hiking routes and viewing platforms, and is home to diverse animal species like foxes, wolves, and deer. Lake Kel-Suu, located in Kyrgyzstan’s southern Ak-Sai valley, offers stunning natural beauty and a chance to sample national cuisine at an altitude of 3514 meters.

Tell us about the road trips one can explore when in the country?

Kyrgyz Republic, situated along the Great Silk Road, boasts the highest mountain peaks, Pobeda and Lenin Peak, following the Himalayas and Pamirs. The country offers breathtaking natural beauty, adventure, and extreme sports, including skiing, trekking, mountaineering, and rafting, attracting travelers for road trips and active tourism. A journey along the beaches of the magnificent Lake Issyk-Kul allows one to explore the lake from every angle and visit the historical sites strewn along its banks. This trip offers an immersive experience of local culture and lifestyle, complemented by stunning views of the lake and nearby mountains.

What do you like the most – Beaches or Mountains?


‘Kumys’ is the traditional drink of Kyrgyzstan. Tell us about the gastronomy of the country.

Kyrgyz cuisine is influenced by their nomadic lifestyle, with meat being the most popular ingredient due to their material well-being and livestock ownership. A traditional dish is beshbarmak (five fingers). According to the cooking process of this dish, the lamb is shredded into small pieces and then mixed with wheat flour noodles and dressed with a spicy onion sauce called ‘chyk’. Beshbarmak is best enjoyed with fingers, allowing for full concentration on taste sensations.