Diplomat Interviews

The Birth-Place of the Olympic Games

Fall in love with the plethora of sunshine

Greece is famous for its ancient philosophers, like Plato, Pythagoras, Socrates, and Aristotle, to name a few. Ancient Greeks invented monumental temples with Greek columns. Greece has a surprise around every corner, from the whitewashed buildings of Oia in Santorini to the mosaic-covered labyrinth of Chios. TravelJingles in a rendezvous with H.E. Mr. Dimitrios Ioannou, Ambassador of Greece to India.

Greece is known for beautiful beaches and awe-striking mountains. Tell us about the three-must do things in the country.

Τhe Parthenon is considered the most beautiful building ever created and its lines define the laws of harmony and grace. The Parthenon was dedicated to the goddess Athena and enduring the symbol of democracy. Apart from that, Athens is an extremely lively and joyful city and every visitor should visit and enjoy it.  Second, a stay in one of the 277 inhabited Greek islands. Not necessarily in one of the most famous ones. All are equally beautiful with idyllic coastlines and charming settlements. What’s not famous today will be tomorrow so you can get ahead of the curve. Third, you should not miss a visit to mainland Greece with its beautiful mountains and its charming plains. I recommend the famous Zagorochoria in my homeland Epirus, which are villages built with wonderful traditional architecture, on towering mountains. The enticing view will surely leave you in awe.

Greece is home to 19 UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Comment.

Travelling across Greece to visit these 19 spots is actually like traveling through history from prehistoric to modern times. Greece was a crossroads of civilisations, and their traces could be found everywhere: in the architecture of museums and settlements, in art forms, and in various forms all around the land. The Temple of Apollo Epicurius, which is remarkable for its unusual architecture, and was the first site in Greece to be listed on UNESCO’s list. Another must-see UNESCO site in Greece is the Archaeological Site of Olympia. This site contains the ruins of several significant structures, including the Temple of Zeus, the Philippion, and the Palaestra. If we talk about Athens’ Acropolis, that is an iconic emblem of Greece and home to several significant monuments, including the Parthenon and the Erechtheion. These ruins are among the most well-preserved examples of Greek architecture. Not only these, but there are many more sites that one must-visit at least once in their lifetime.

The first Olympic Games took place in Greece. Comment.

The Olympic Games began in Ancient Greece in 776 BC. After they ceased to be held through the turmoil of history, four centuries later, they were rediscovered by the modern world in the late nineteenth century and the first modern Olympic Games took place in Athens in 1896. It seems that the ancient Greeks had conceived an idea that took the rest of the world more than 2,500 years to appreciate. Go visit Ancient Olympia where the ancient Olympic Games were held and also visit the Kallimarmaro or Panathenaic Stadium in Athens which hosted the first modern Olympic Games.

Santorini is known for different colour beaches. Tell us the must-visit beaches in the country.

If you are asking me to tell you which is the most beautiful beach in Greece then you are actually asking me to answer the most difficult question you could possibly ask me. Greece has thousands of beautiful beaches despite the fact that it is a relatively small country with an area of 132,000 square kilometres. On the other hand it is the country that has the longest coastline in all of Europe. Along this endless coastline you will find every type of beach you could imagine and dream of.

Mount Olympus is synonymous with the Greek Gods and Goddesses. What makes it so special? Comment.

Olympus is the highest mountain in Greece and the imagination of the ancient Greeks could not place the kingdom of the gods anywhere else but on the highest point from where they could oversee the whole country. Talking to various Indians, I realized that there is something in Greece that attracts them and that is the fact that in just 20 minutes anyone can go from an idyllic beach to the top of a snowy mountain. Olympus is one such case. This to the Greeks seems perfectly natural, but to the Indians, who live in a vast country where the mountains are far from the sea, this is something that makes a great impression on them.

Greece is considered as the third-largest producer of olives in the world. Tell us about the gastronomy of the country.

The Greek diet consists of a multitude of recipes and dishes that are much more than what anyone knows outside of Greece. Not only are they particularly delicious but also according to studies of leading universities all over the world with Harvard Medical School as the first, the Greek diet is considered as one of the healthiest diets in the world and ensures health and longevity.  The Greek diet is mainly based on olive oil, vegetables, fruits and fish. Come and try it.

Golf is played across the globe. Tell us about the options the country offers for golf lovers. 

What I can tell the golfers is that if they come to Greece, they will have the option to choose between golf courses located in Greek islands such as Rhodes and Corphou and golf courses located in mainland Greece. In this way they can combine any special type of vacation they want with the practice of their favourite sport. The mild and temperate climate of Greece makes the practice of golf an extremely pleasant experience most of the year.

What do you like the most… mountains or beaches?


Are there any similarities between Greece and India? Comment.

There are many similarities between the two countries, but I will only focus on one that I consider very important, and that is the extroversion of the people, which is very large both in Greece and in India. Greeks and Indians pursue their passions, laugh, fall in love, express their feelings, sing and dance in similar ways. Something which, despite other cultural differences, allows Greeks in India to feel that they are in a very familiar environment.