

The Washington Apple Commission, along with the U.S. Embassy’s Office of Agricultural Affairs, commemorated the beginning of the new season and Washington Apples in India. The celebration was held at The Leela Palace in New Delhi. Mr. Clay Hamilton, Minister Counselor for Agriculture Affairs of the US Embassy in New Delhi, and Master Chef Sanjeev Kapoor were the honorees for the occasion. Mark Stennes, Chairman of the Washington Apple Board of Directors, also traveled to India for this exclusive trade event.

Todd Fryhover, President, Washington Apple Commission said, “India has been a very important market for Washington Apples. Supplies to India were greatly disturbed in 2019 due certain tariffs issues. We are glad that the issues have now been resolved. Washington Apple industry will once again be on equal footing with competitors in the Indian market with the Indian government lifting the 20% retaliatory tariffs levied on US apple and other agricultural imports. India has been a top 3 market for Washington apples and is now destined for further growth.”

 Washington apples are available across the country.