Bilateral Trading

An Interaction with H.E. Mrs. Yasiel Alines Burillo Rivera, Ambassador of Panama to India

Bilateral ties between Panama and India

H.E. Mrs. Yasiel Alines Burillo Rivera, Ambassador of Panama to India.

The relationship between Panama and India is the oldest in the Central American Region, also we were the first country in Central America where India established a resident Mission. The Panamanian population comprises four and a half million inhabitants, of which about 20,000 people are of Indian origin. On the other hand, bilateral ties have been reaffirmed by the foreign ministers of both nations, who in 2023 marked a historic event, two official visits in the same year.

During the official visit of January 2023, key objectives were achieved such as the signing of a cooperation agreement in the training of diplomats and exploring opportunities in the pharmaceutical sector and the filming industry. In March 2023, we received the visit of H.E. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Foreign Minister of India. During this official visit to Panama, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of India and his delegation were received by His Excellency Laurentino Cortizo Cohen, President of the Republic of Panama in the company of Her Excellency Janaina Tewaney Mencomo, Minister of Foreign Affairs. During the bilateral meeting they highlighted that in the past 10 years, the commercial movement has multiplied four times more, to deepen commercial ties that facilitates logistical movements and full quality connectivity. Both countries are aligned and committed to addressing issues of common interest: foreign trade, culture, education, and the challenge of growth on the global agenda.

Trade relations between Panama and India have been strengthened through meetings and bilateral agreements that have allowed businessmen to interact and explore a path for commercial exchange. Panama is a unique country with the benefit of constant economic growth thanks to its strategic geographical position, which has led to a positive trade balance. We have experienced an increase in copper exports to India in the last year, and we also export other products, such as wood, leather, aluminum, and iron scrap. On the other hand, India exports to Panama automobile spare parts, medicines, machinery, insecticides, fertilizers, hardware items, tires, and much more.