Embassy News

UK Reaffirms 2030 Roadmap Commitments

UK-India Strategic Dialogue in London reviewed progress on the 2030 Roadmap and aimed for the next phase of cooperation between the UK and India. The UK and India have made significant progress on the 2030 Roadmap, collaborating on key areas like the malaria vaccine, the G20 presidency, and student and entrepreneur opportunities.

This year’s Dialogue marked milestones, commitment to negotiating FTA, and enhanced defence cooperation. Kwatra met South Asia Minister Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon, discussing FTA, migration, and the Commonwealth.

Lord Ahmad said: “We are delighted to host Indian Foreign Secretary Kwatra in London to underline the UK’s commitment to deepening cooperation with India. I look forward to our relationship going from strength to strength, working together on trade, defence, climate, and health.”

UK and India signed a ‘2030 Roadmap’ in 2021, aiming to deepen cooperation in health, climate, trade, education, science, technology, and defence.