Category: Bilateral Trading
Bilateral Trading
H.E. Mr. Mariano A. Caucino, Argentina Ambassador to India This year, India and Argentina celebrate the 75th anniversary of their bilateral relations. We also celebrate the 5th anniversary of our strategic relationship, which has been very fruitful and reflected in the number of visits Argentinians have paid to India in the last few years and how we have deepened our …
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Bilateral Trading
Ms. Sofia Salas Monge, CDA, a.i., Costa Rica Embassy India On September 15th, 2024, Costa Rica celebrated 203 years of independence, a milestone that is accompanied by the celebration of 54 years of diplomatic relations between India and Costa Rica. Since 1970, when diplomatic ties were established, the two countries have collaborated closely in areas of mutual interest that have …
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Bilateral Trading
H.E. Mr. Juan Angulo, Ambassador of Chile to India On March 8, 2006, Chile and India signed a Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA) that came into effect in September 2007. On May 16th, 2017, this agreement was expanded updating its scope of goods to 2829 tariff lines from 474 previously. The third round of negotiations for the second expansion of the …
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Bilateral Trading
Indo-Slovak relations Relations between Slovakia and India are stronger than ever before. Both our countries share the values of democracy, rule of law and multilateral responses to global challenges. Our foreign ministers have met four times in the last 20 months. Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Slovakia J. Blanár visited India along with his State Secretary R. Chovanec …
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Bilateral Trading
India-Comoros Relations Union of the Comoros is situated in the Indian Ocean at entrance to Mozambique channel between the East African Coast and Madagascar. It consists of four islands and covers an area of 2236 km2. The Comoros economy is based on farming and export of perfume bearing plants (Ylang-ylang and Jasmine) and spices such as cloves and pepper. Vanilla …
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Bilateral Trading
Bilateral ties between Panama and India H.E. Mrs. Yasiel Alines Burillo Rivera, Ambassador of Panama to India. The relationship between Panama and India is the oldest in the Central American Region, also we were the first country in Central America where India established a resident Mission. The Panamanian population comprises four and a half million inhabitants, of which about 20,000 people are of Indian origin. On …
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Bilateral Trading
Ethiopia and India Trade Relations H.E. Mr. Demeke Atnafu Ambulo Ambassador of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Historical linkages between Ethiopia and India go back to more than two thousand years of history. Ethiopian traders in the 1st century AD via the ancient port of Adulis traded with Indians. They imported silk and spices from India and sold gold and ivory. …
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Bilateral Trading
Smell the Goodness of Brew from Around the Globe. Coffee, a beverage of choice enjoyed by millions worldwide, has a lengthy history and a wide range of cultural influences. It has established itself as a necessary component of many people’s daily routines. People are fascinated by coffee because of its distinctive flavour and energising qualities. Do you wish to trade …
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