Diplomat Interviews

Zimbabwe: The land of Victoria Falls.

A country with world’s seventh natural wonder, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. The country offers exquisite variety of cuisine portraying the diverse culture of the country. Read below to know more about the country in an interview session with H. E. Dr. Godfrey Majoni Chipare, Ambassador of the Republic of Zimbabwe in India. What are the two must-visit places in Zimbabwe for …

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Diplomat Interviews

The Country with one of the Oldest Wine Region in the world.

Hungary is home to cultural festivals, museums, classical music, pop culture, and operas. It is one oldest wine regions in the world. To know intriguing facts about the country, here is a rendezvous with H.E. Mr. Andras Laszlo Kiraly, the Ambassador of Hungary to India. Tell us about the two must-do things in Hungary. A visit to Budapest, the capital …

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Diplomat Interviews

A land of fiestas, flamenco, tapas, and passion!

The second most visited country in the world. Spain is a country known for golden coastlines, lively cities, famous gastronomy and a rich cultural heritage. It is a diverse country that possesses a fascinating history, beautiful landscapes and exotic traditions. Let’s know more about this beautiful country in a rendezvous with H.E. ​Mr. José María Ridao Domínguez, Ambassador of Spain …

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Australia re-bounds Indian Tourists

The world’s smallest continent and the largest island, Australia is home to picture-perfect rain forests, quirkiest wildlife, coral reefs, stunning beaches, and deserts. Australia has opened its borders for Indian tourists. To know more about the country and travel protocols, here is an interview with Mr. Nishant Kashikar, Country Manager (India & Gulf), Tourism Australia. Mr. Nishant Kashikar, Country Manager …

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Women of Today.

Fairly Fearless We can’t find the words to express how we feel about women. Their strength and power, their ability to keep their heads up no matter what. One admires it on every possible level. Girls run the world, that’s the only thing we know for sure. Here is a list of some inspiring women fearless from society’s norms and …

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Diplomat Interviews

Women Diplomats in Power

The ‘Dual Earner’ of the New Era. Empowerment is the creation of equal platforms in society to subdue the discrimination faced by the oppressed gender. It begins with small steps that bring positive changes in the minds of people. Empowering women is to empower societies and economies, raise awareness, make efforts to normalize gender equality and to uplift the norms against women which are deeply rooted in the minds of the people of a society. Women …

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